New Beginnings

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." Isaiah 60:1 NIV

I love when the Lord gives instructions that involve doing something. Sometimes His Word requires us to stand still and allow Him to operate on our behalf.During such times, we are encouraged to maintain some patience while He sorts out details in our sometimes complicated circumstances. But, here in this verse, we see something different; we are encouraged to take action and the action is nothing complicated. The Lord tells the downcast, tired, exhausted, defeated, blind, deaf and dumb to get up, stand up, and even wake up, as defined by the Online Free Dictionary. And for those of us who fall into any one of these categories, God is telling us how our moment of light (clarity, purpose, understanding) through Christ Jesus, has arrived. Are you ready to arise? If you are, take heed to instructions that encourage, motivate and strengthen. After all, there is no better feeling than having the glory of Almighty God shining on you.

Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, thank you for your awesome presence. Thank you for the warmth you provide to my soul through the revelation of Your Word. I bless your holy name and give you all the praise you deserve. Lord, God, give me ears to hear and eyes to see what you want me to do and where you want me to go. Help me to not have a hardened heart, that I might receive and act on your divine instruction. Please guard me in all my ways and keep me close to you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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